Take a Tour: Developer Report
As a feature of our customer extranet, our online Developer Report gives Premier Guarantee customers an instant snapshot of the quality and progress of their sites.
If you want to know more about how we could help you manage your site quality, we can set up a live demo. Please submit your details in the form below and one of our account managers will be in touch.
Learn about the features of the developer reports including how to:
- Select reports over specific date ranges or quarter years tracking site quality over a given time
- Compare site quality/performance on all your registered sites understanding those that are doing well, and those that may be facing challenges
- Drill down on site inspections, keeping track of a sites quality/performance at each inspections stage with evidence on how it has achieved its average site inspection score
- Easily identify areas of your sites and plots which are facing challenges, with images and guidance on how to quickly overcome them reducing the chance of failed inspections or site delays
- Improve the quality of your new homes at handover by tracking your average Quality Indicator Score (QIS) on each site, calculated by scoring a plot's internal and external finishings
See all inspections completed as well as ongoing rating scores

See inspection ratings over a given time frame

Get a breakdown of the defects raised on site