InSite | How to avoid these common site pitfalls | Site Quality Review

How to avoid these common site pitfalls

More than a third of potential defects observed in houses by Premier Guarantee surveyors between 2023-2024 related to external walls.


This rises to just under 42% for apartment inspections.


It has also been revealed that there is notably higher percentage of defects being observed later in the construction process for houses.


For apartments, the roof structure stage of construction saw the most potential defects.


These figures, outlined in the Industry Insight Report for 2025, highlight the importance of independent expertise in order for sites to pre-empt potential defects occurring during construction.


Though Premier Guarantee’s network of surveyors work every day with site teams to help them avoid defects, there is never a bad time to improve on site quality.


Benchmarking site quality with a fresh pair of eyes


Premier Guarantee’s Site Quality Review service provides a detailed audit of workmanship and site management, allowing site managers and senior construction staff a chance to obtain oversight of multiple sites from an independent source.


Rob Clark, Technical Auditing Manager at Premier Guarantee, said: “Our team of experienced auditors have the benefit of seeing the sites with a fresh pair of eyes. They assess the site without having to juggle other roles and responsibilities onsite.


“Through the feedback session and via the produced report, we can show good practices as well as areas of improvement. This can be vital to a national house builder when you are trying to maintain quality and consistency over various sites.” 



Book a Site Quality Review

What is a Site Quality Review?


Based on our industry-renowned Technical Manual, as well as decades of experience in the sector, the Premier Guarantee Site Quality Review is a more detailed assessment than our standard inspections and is designed to help you identify areas to improve, champion good practice and benchmark your site against others in your business.  


What is the Site Quality Review process?


Following the site audit and assessment, you will receive a detailed report where each construction detail is scored using five categories: Very Good, Good, Industry Standard, Poor and Very Poor.  


For each of the inspection areas, construction details will also be logged as Merits or Demerits.  


Detail scoring is accompanied by photographic evidence and an Executive Summary will provide a detailed overview of the site.  


67 inspection areas across 11 inspection sections:  

  • Foundations 
  • Superstructure  
  • Roofing  
  • First fix  
  • Second fix  
  • Sub-structure and sub-floor services 
  • Internal finishes  
  • External works  
  • Site welfare facilities  
  • Site compliance and co-operation  


Materials and storage our Site Quality Review auditor will be on site for approximately four hours and will record photographic evidence to be included in your report. 


Site Quality Reviews are available to customers and non-customers.


Speak to us today about booking a Site Quality Review.



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Every care was taken to ensure the information in this article was correct at the time of publication (February 2025). Guidance provided does not replace the reader’s professional judgement and any construction project should comply with the relevant Building Regulations or applicable technical standards. For the most up to date Premier Guarantee technical guidance please refer to your Risk Management Surveyor and the latest version of the Premier Guarantee Technical Manual.
Ref: MK-3944