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For the purposes of our warranty, roof cassette systems are prefabricated pitched roof panels (open or closed) which may also be supplied with wall and floor panels, beams and other supporting elements of structure.
The systems may be constructed from timber, metal or structural insulated panels (SIP) or a combination of these. They can provide a completely clear roof space free from struts ties or bracing.
They can provide a completely clear roof space free from struts ties or bracing.
Section 11 - Roofs
The roof structure is a critical part of the building design for structural stability, there will also need to be consideration for, prevention of fire spread, thermal insulation, durability, weatherproofing, vapour permeability and sometimes sound insulation.
The stability of traditional cut roofs and truss roof designs is dependent on the triangulation of all of the different elements that work together to take the horizontal thrust at eaves level away from the walls.
Roof cassette systems are however outside the scope of Approved Document A as they do not meet the basic requirements for stability and because they’re a non-standard form of construction.
Many panel roof designs do not consider how the horizontal thrust is dealt with as they are not adequately tied to the structure, and/or gable walls.
Our internal review show that the system design packages are limited to the panel itself and are not considering the interaction with the wall, gable and floor structures or the need to meet the other requirements of a roof as described above.
On site installations of these systems have been found to not follow the approved design, often due to the unfamiliarity of the system requirements by site operatives. The design and installation of the correct connections is being ignored and can lead to failure of the panel system.
The roof cassette system must hold full third party product approval from an independent approval body which is accepted by us. This could either be a UKAS, European equivalent product conformity accredited organisation or other body accepted by us, which looks at the system as a whole and reports on its suitability and scope of accepted use.
Appendix C of our Technical Manual provides guidance on the suitability of products and systems and emphasises the following to be covered in third party product approval certificates:
In addition, for roof cassette systems, the following should also be included in the third party product approval:
* Note: Evidence will be required that the Building Control Body is satisfied in respect of safety in case of fire, sound insulation and thermal performance.
For roof cassette systems that do not yet hold a full third party product approval, manufacturers must have in place a full third party product approval from an appropriate independent UKAS approved product conformity body by 31st of July 2025.
Note: This updates the previous transitional arrangements set out in October 2023
Please note: All components used in manufacturing should satisfy ‘Appendix C’ of our Technical Manual.
We require an Engineer to take overall design responsibility of the roof cassette systems and to take account of interactions between the roof cassettes and the main house structure.
All installers of the roof cassette system should receive suitable training from the manufacturer, evidence of which should be provided to the warranty surveyor upon request – for example:
Please note: Roofing cassette panels will require temporary protection (when being stored on-site and where it is left exposed when in-build) as per the manufacturer’s recommendations. Where a breather membrane is proposed as a temporary weather protection details of maximum exposure of the membrane should be provided.
The structural design of roof cassette systems consider either:
The documents required for each individual site specific review must include:
Please note, roof cassette systems may be determined by the Building Control Body as an element of structure and therefore the necessary fire resistance may be applicable. Please contact your Building Control Body to agree compliance.
In summary, where roof cassette systems are proposed, they must:
Roof cassette systems must have a satisfactory third party product approval in place from an appropriate independent UKAS approved product conformity body by 31st of July 2025.
Every care was taken to ensure the information in this article was correct at the time of publication (January 2025). Guidance provided does not replace the reader’s professional judgement and any construction project should comply with the relevant Building Regulations or applicable technical standards. For the most up to date Premier Guarantee technical guidance please refer to your Risk Management Surveyor and the latest version of the Premier Guarantee Technical Manual.